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Meet Our Team

Get To Know Our Elite ProAdvisor Duo

About Arthur and Daniel

While their professional lives are dedicated to helping e-commerce businesses achieve their financial goals, their personal lives complement this with a passion for self-development. Whether it be reading books, listening to podcasts, or staying up to date on the latest e-commerce trends, Arthur and Daniel do whatever it takes to improve every day. They know that focusing on self-development will not only help them achieve their long-term goal of building a renowned CPA firm but translate to better results for their clients as well.


In addition to self-development, Arthur enjoys playing soccer and working out in his free time. He actually played college soccer at North Central College, where he is about to receive his degree in Accounting as well. Daniel also likes to work out and spend time with his family. His accounting and finance degree from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign has set him up to tackle any bookkeeping challenges that you may come across.

University of Illinois college seal where Daniel Sandler attends
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